Thursday, December 4, 2014

Forum 1 : Language of instruction

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone :)
In 2003, the teaching and learning process of mathematics subject had been changed from Malay  to English and now the government changes it again.

In my opinion, teaching Science and Mathematics in English is a good way to improve the English skills for students and teachers as well. But they need some time to be expert in that subjects. Besides that, it will give good effects in the future because English is an international language. it will give advantages for those who are good in that language. For rural area, i am sure they face a big problem with the language and their performance is very low compared to the students in the urban area. But i am sure our government can help them by providing enough facilities for them to learn English .

The changes of language of instructions in Science and Mathematics can make the students become confuse and it is hard for them to be expert in Science and Mathematics. This is because, during primary school , they learned  Math and Science in English. Then, when they are in secondary school, they learn math and science in Malay. Based on my experience, it is really difficult to understand the new terms and I am sure it will affect the students' performance.I think, next time the government should think wisely about the future of the new generation before making any drastical changes.

Thank you :)

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