Friday, December 5, 2014

#5 Report : Assessment

#6 Journal Article

#5 Journal Article

#3 Math Jokes xD

Funny maths jokes 3 300x300 Funny maths jokes (3)

#3 Report : HOTS

#2 Math Jokes

Hello everyone :)

I want to share with you how to remember graph easier . I think this cute picture can help you =D

#1 Math Jokes xD

Hello guys :)

I am sure a lot of you are really hate on MATHEMATICS's subject right ? why so serious ? Set in mind , MATH IS EASY and FUNny xD 

#4 Journal Article

#3 Journal Article

#2 Journal Article

#1 Journal Article

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Forum 3 : teaching approaches

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,

The term Teaching method refers to the general principles, pedagogy and management strategies used for classroom instruction. There are two categories or approach which are teacher centered approach to learning and student approach to learning.

For teacher centered approach ,the teachers are the main authority figure in this model. Students are viewed as “empty vessels” whose primary role is to passively receive information (via lectures and direct instruction) with an end goal of testing and assessment. It is the primary role of teachers to pass knowledge and information onto their students. In this model, teaching and assessment are viewed as two separate entities. Student learning is measured through objectively scored tests and assessments.

For student approcah to learning, teachers are an authority figure in this model, teachers and students play an equally active role in the learning process. The teacher’s primary role is to coach and facilitate student learning and overall comprehension of material. Student learning is measured through both formal and informal forms of assessment, including group projects, student portfolios, and class participation. Teaching and assessment are connected; student learning is continuously measured during teacher instruction.

Both of this approches are good to be use by teachers in their teaching process. Other approches are sholud to be use to make the learning and teaching process more effectively and can attract the student to the learning process.

Thats all , thank you.

Forum 2 : Secondary Mathematics Curriculum. Is it suitable for our children?

assalamualaikum and hello everyone :)

Curriculum is a plan of education that contains of all the knowledge, skills, values and norms, cultural elements and beliefs that has become handed down to the people’s choice for its members. The goal of the curriculum is influence a lot and determined by individual life goal, society, country and world. While the alterations that happened in the world that are universal are influence the goal and needs of individuals, communities and countries. According to the Curriculum Development Centre (2003), such as math curriculum in the most countries, the Malaysian Mathematics of curriculum had been shifted from focusing on the skills and counting towards greater emphasis on the understanding and application of the basic mathematical skills.

The mathematics curriculum for secondary school aims to develop individuals who are able to think mathematically and who can apply mathematical knowledge effectively and responsibly in solving problems and making decision. This will enable individual to face challenges in everyday life that arise due to the advancement of science and technology” (Ministry of Education, 2003). Besides that, there have five elements was focused on in the teaching and learning mathematics. 

There are problem solving in mathematics, communication in mathematics, reasoning mathematics, mathematical connections and application of technology.These efforts are taken to ensure that our future generation can assimilates mathematics into their daily lives. Pupils are exposed at the early age with the skills to solve problems and communicate mathematically to enable them make effective decisions. By these, pupils will have an opportunity to apply mathematics in different contexts and see the relevance of mathematics in daily lives. Based on the aim and elements that focus by ministry, the Mathematics curriculum is suitable for our children.

Nowadays, we are exposed with the technology .Teachers ar preferred to use the technology in the teaching and learning process to attract the interest of the pupil in that particular subject. The usage of technologies like computers and educational software and websites can help to upgrade and promote the understanding of mathematical concepts to the depth. Besides that, pupil will be creative, be confident and able to work confidently through these type of teaching and learning process. The usage of technology is teaching process is important because today’s children are exposed to the latest technology, so there comes the need for the teachers to transform from traditional to modern teaching way. Teachers also need to update and upgrade them self-according to the changing world. The usages of technologies make the mathematics curriculum relevant and suitable for us.

As a conclusion, the mathematics curriculum is suitable to Malaysian children.Change and transformation in education is needed to ensure Malaysia has a better education system for successful implementation.
Thank you :)

Forum 1 : Language of instruction

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone :)
In 2003, the teaching and learning process of mathematics subject had been changed from Malay  to English and now the government changes it again.

In my opinion, teaching Science and Mathematics in English is a good way to improve the English skills for students and teachers as well. But they need some time to be expert in that subjects. Besides that, it will give good effects in the future because English is an international language. it will give advantages for those who are good in that language. For rural area, i am sure they face a big problem with the language and their performance is very low compared to the students in the urban area. But i am sure our government can help them by providing enough facilities for them to learn English .

The changes of language of instructions in Science and Mathematics can make the students become confuse and it is hard for them to be expert in Science and Mathematics. This is because, during primary school , they learned  Math and Science in English. Then, when they are in secondary school, they learn math and science in Malay. Based on my experience, it is really difficult to understand the new terms and I am sure it will affect the students' performance.I think, next time the government should think wisely about the future of the new generation before making any drastical changes.

Thank you :)

Topic 5: Assessment (Slide)

Topic 4 : Teaching Approach (Slide)

TOPIC 3 : Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS)

Topic 2 : TIMSS and PISA (slaid)

Topic 1 : Disparities in Achievement (Slaid)